It’s a New Year and We Have a New Name!

We are very happy to announce we have changed our name to Underdogs Rock! Rescue.


After much thoughtful consideration we came to the conclusion that the name ‘Underdog Railroad’ Rescue is an inappropriate name for our organization. Although the organization had good intentions with the name, URR's board unanimously agreed that the name needed to change. We definitely want to avoid, and recognize, any language that could make someone feel our rescue organization’s name is disrespectful to the African American experience, the history of the United States and the actual Underground Railroad.

So, we are still doing the same great work, but with a new name: Underdogs Rock! Rescue.

“Why Underdogs Rock! Rescue?” The dogs that are rescued are legit underdogs. They are on their last days in high-kill shelters, But they ROCK! There is no reason for these dogs to not have a loving home.

We invite everyone to be a part of our mission!

We rescue dogs from overcrowded high-kill shelters (Southern California and other locations) and transport them to Portland, Oregon. We provide food, love, a foster home, and help find the dogs their forever home.

The Underground Railroad was the term used to describe a network of meeting places, secret routes, passageways and safe houses used by enslaved African Americans in the U.S. to escape slave holding states to northern states and Canada. Established in the early 1800s and aided by people involved in the Abolitionist Movement, the underground railroad helped thousands of enslaved African Americans escape bondage. By one estimate, 100,000 enslaved people escaped from bondage in the South between 1810 and 1850. Aiding them in their flight was a system of safe houses and abolitionists determined to free as many enslaved African Americans as possible, even though such actions violated state laws and the United States Constitution.

- excerpt from HistoryNet
